
While our museum and library is closed, you can still enjoy reading our stories and exploring our collections online, wherever you are.




Our ambition is to be a place where all members of our communities can see themselves and their lives meaningfully reflected in the work that we present.

Illustration in the style of Manga graphic novels, showing a young person looking at an open book titled, Uzumaki. Behind them is a spiralling green ribbon, within which are body horror illustrations of faces with bleeding eyes, giant tongues, tentacles, insects, stitched up faces and expressions of horror.


Dive into words and pictures exploring the connections between science, medicine, life and art.

Photograph of a gallery installation with three seated people watching a video on a tv screen. On the wall to the left are large bold graphics and text, coloured blue, red and green. To the right are leaflets standing on 5 shelves, inset into a wall. In the distance are the windows and a section of a spiral staircase.


Explore our online installation, designed by Heart n Soul at The Hub to investigate how to make the world a better place for everyone.



「原创」嫌 BT 下载速度慢?试试搭配「全网热门 Tracker ...:最近在折腾 BT,然而 BT 对 DHT 和 Tracker 很依赖,后者的话,网上有不少他人维护的Tracker 列表项目,每次更新都要全部添加一遍,好麻烦。。。所伍,我又开始折腾了!每天更新!全网热门 …


Photograph of a man standing in a glass patio doorway with his mother. The man is looking straight to camera with his mouth open, eyes wide and slightly mad look on his face. In his right hand held above his head are 3 kitchen knives held in a fan shape. His mother is standing to his left in profile, looking up at his face. In her right hand she is holding a walking stick, the handle of which she has tucked under his chin in a disciplinary fashion.
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  • Serial


In episode one of his new podcast, comedian Mark Thomas talks to health workers about coronavirus, care and the importance of touch.

Part of Mark Thomas’s lockdown check-up

  • In pictures


Discover how images of the antigens that make us sick have evolved over time and been tailored to meet the demands of different epidemics.

Photograph of a set built scene. The scene is made out of a light green horizontal surface against a light green vertical background with a thin horizon line. On the horizontal surface are two green ‘L’ shaped blocks. In the centre of the image is a rectangular flat orange card standing upright, on which is the black and white image of a woman and a man in full length standing next to each other. The man is pointing with his right hand. Resting on the green blocks and floating above and below the orange card are four butterflies.
  • Article

Step inside Anne Frank’s house or explore the galleries in a museum destroyed by fire. VR brings history and art satisfyingly close when we’re unable to get there in person.

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